High-latitude platform carbonate deposition constitutes a climate conundrum at the terminal Mesoproterozoic (2024)
Nature Communications - Volume:15
The Elusive Congo Craton Margin During Gondwana Breakup: Insights from Lithospheric Mantle Structure and Heat Flow beneath the Xaudum Kimberlite Province, NW Botswana (2024)
Journal of Petrology - Volume:65
- Shaikh, A.M., Tappe, S., Viljoen, F., de Wit, M.C.J.
Redox state of the Dharwar craton root as inferred from eclogite and peridotite sourced mantle cargo, with implications for kimberlite and lamproite magma formation (2023)
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - Volume:178
- Shaikh, A.M., Bussweiler, Y., Viljoen, F., Bolhar, R., Ravi, S., Hezel, D.C., Ueckermann, H., Tappe, S.