Biological Sciences
BIO 413: Stem Cell Biology (4)
Course Content:
Introduction to stem cell biology:Stem cells, Concept of pluripotency, Different types of stem cells
Embryonic stem cells: Molecular mechanism of cell renewal and maintenance of pluripotency, epigenetic
modifications, spontaneous and directed differentiation, Embryonic carcinoma cells (ECC) and embryonic
germ cells (EGC)
Adult stem cells: Stem cell niche, localization and identification of stem cells from various tissues and organs
(skin, intestine, blood, brain, retina, muscle)
Techniques in stem cell biology: Methods of identifying stem cells, iPSCs (Yamanaka factors), lineage
Therapeutic strategies: Cancer stem cells, modeling diseases using stem cells, stem cell and tissue
engineering for skin graft, stem cell in corneal and retinal regeneration; stem cell therapy for sickle cell
anemia, neural stem cells for central nervous system repair, stem cells to repair damaged heart, insulin
producing cells for treatment of diabetes, stem cell gene therapy.
Ethical considerations and guidelines
Suggested Books:
Essentials of Stem cell Biology (Robert Lanza)
Research papers
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