Supramolecular self-assembly at interfaces 1 takes advantage of i. molecular pattern formation over a broad length scale as excellent platforms for two-dimensional molecular- recognition 2 , host-guest chemistry, devising sensors, and ii. the tunability of electronic structure and transport properties with frontier molecular orbital alignment towards hybrid interfaces for organic semiconductor applications 3,4 . This new frontier in Chemical Physics uniquely combines designing and modelling molecular systems under controlled conditions, versatility in interfacial synthesis and physics of interfaces.
Archita Patnaik is a Senior Professor in the Department of Chemistry, at IIT Madras. She received her Ph. D degree from Banaras Hindu University. After completing a series of postdoctoral fellowships from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Max Planck Research Fellowships, she joined the department at IIT Madras. She has been engaged in the creation and dissemination of knowledge through teaching and research and, organization and coordination of conferences. She has played a key role in the development of cutting-edge
laboratories at the Department of Chemistry, IIT Madras. Her contributions as an invited speaker, visiting academician, subject expert committee member and chairperson of DST-SERB’s multiple programs have been noteworthy. Her research contributions in the field of Colloid and Interface Science, coupled with ab-initio electronic structure calculations in ground and excited states and dynamics have developed new science in the form of original research publications and human resource production. In the year 2013, the American Chemical Society has rewarded her as a quality researcher among 30 best Indian Scientists. She has been an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Chemical Science of the Indian Academy of Sciences and the Elsevier Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics and cherishes the visiting invited Professorships of Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences, AvH Foundation and Fulbright-Nehru Foundation.