Prof. Amit Kumar Sen

Visiting Faculty

Earth and Environmental Sciences



About me

Expertise on
1. Economic and Ore Geology
2. Geological and Geochemical Prospecting and Mineral Exploration
3. Indian Mineral Deposits
4. Mineral Economics
1. Chromite Ore Deposits (Sukinda and Naushahi, Odisha; Southern Manipur Ophiolite)
2. Iron Ore Deposit of Dalli-Rajhara, Chhattisgarh
3. Copper Deposit and Exploration of Albitite Zone in Khetri Copper Belt, Rajasthan
4. Exploration of Uranium in Sonrai area, Bundelkhand, M.P.
5. Application of Remote Sensing in Coal Mining related problems in Jharia Coalfields, Jharkhand
6. Mineralization in Kenticha Pegmatite, Ethiopia
7. Petrology and Geochemistry of Carbonatite and related Alkaline Rocks (Sung Valley, Meghalaya; Purulia, West Bengal; Sevathur, Samalpatti and Pakkanadu, Tamil Nadu; Rasimalai, Tamil Nadu)
8. Alternate use of low-grade sulfur rich coal
9. Effect of river sediments in life of turbine blades during hydro-power generation
10. Exploration of Uranium associated with coal-bearing formations in Niger.


Dr. Amit Kumar Sen, Professor (Retired)
Professor (Retired), Department of Earth Sciences, IIT Roorkee
Adjunct Faculty: IIT Bhubaneswar (since 2021)
Visiting Faculty: IISER Berhampur (since 2022)

B.Sc. (Hons) in Applied Geology 1974
M.Sc. (Applied Geology) 1976
M.Sc. Tech. (Mineral Exploration) 1977
Ph.D. (Applied Geology) 1987

Industrial Experience: one and half years in coal exploration

Teaching, Research and Administrative Experience: More than 42 years
Ph.D. Thesis: 10
Masters Thesis: 45
Member and Chairman: Academic Program Committee of the Department
Head, Institute Instrument Centre: 3 years
Publication in peer reviewed journals: 30
Publication in Conference, Workshop, Seminar, etc.,: 7
Book Chapter: 2
Major Sponsored Research Project: 8


Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK from January 1991 for one year as an Honorary Research Fellow (Govt. of India Scholarship for Study Abroad for post-doctoral research; worked with Dr. M.J. Le Bas, a very well-known person in the field of petrology of carbonatite and related rocks)

IGEM, RAS, Moscow for 12 weeks during Oct. – Dec., 2004 through INSA-RAS exchange program. Worked with Prof. V. V. Distler, known for his work in PGE ore deposits.

Recipient of University of Roorkee Annual Khosla Award 1989 - a gold plated silver medal and Rs. 2500/- (jointly with Prof. R.P. Gupta, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Roorkee).

Membership of Professional Societies:

Life member:

i) Indian Geological Congress, Roorkee,

ii) Geological Society of India, Bangalore

iii) The Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India, Kolkata

Research Projects

Presently no

Key Publications

  • 1.      Gupta, R.P. and Sen, A.K. (1988) Imprints of the Ninety-East Ridge in the Shillong Plateau, Indian Shield. Tectonophysics, 154, 335-341
  • 2.      Jaireth, S., Sen, A.K. and Varma, O.P. (1991) Fluid Inclusion Studies in Apatite of the Sung valley Carbonatite Complex, N.E. India: Evidence from Melt-Fluid Immiscibility. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., 37, 547-559
  • 3.      Sen, A.K. (1999) Origin of the Sung Valley carbonatite complex, Meghalaya, India:  Major Element Geochemistry Constrains. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., 53, 285-297.
  • 4.      Shaida, Md. Azfar, Sen, A.K. and Dutta, R.K. (2018) Alternate use of sulphur rich coals as solar photo-Fenton agent for degradation of toxic azo dyes. Jour. Cleaner Production, 195, 1003-1014.
  • 5.      Chakrabarty, A., Mitchell, R.H., Ren, M., Pal, S., Pal, S. and Sen, A.K. (2018) Nb–Zr–REE Re-Mobilization and Implications for Transitional Agpaitic Rock Formation: Insights from the Sushina Hill Complex, India, Jour. Petrol., 59, 1899-1938.
  • 6.      Bekele, Barsisa and Sen, A.K. (2020) The mineral chemistry of gahnite, garnet and columbite-group minerals (CGM): Implications for genesis and evolution of the Kenticha Rare-element granite-pegmatite, Adola, Ethiopia, Jour. of African Earth Sciences, 162, 103691, 14 pages.
  • 7.      Shaida Md.A., Dutta, R.K., Sen, A.K., Ram, S.S., Sudarshan, M., Naushad, Mu., Boczkaj, G. and Nawab, Md. S., (2022) Chemical analysis of low carbon content coals and their applications as dye adsorbent, Chemosphere 287, 132286 (16 pages
  • 8.      Premi K., Sen, A.K., Singh, A.K. and Lakhan, N. (2022) Petrogenesis and tectonic environments for formation of peridotites and associated podiform chromite ore, southern part of Manipur Ophiolite Belt, Indo-Myanmar Orogenic Belt, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie-Abhandlungen, 197, 209-232
  • 9.      Bekele, Barsisa and Sen, A.K. (2022)  Fluid inclusion studies of the Kenticha rare-element granite-pegmatite, Southern Ethiopia Acta Geochimica, 41, 926-946.

Contact Details

Full Name

Amit Kumar Sen

