Publications All
Reappraisal of the DNA phosphorothioate modification machinery: uncovering neglected functional modalities and identification of new counter-invader defense systems
Rakesh, S., Aravind, L., Krishnan, A.
Jumbo phages: A comparative genomic overview of core functions and adaptions for biological conflicts
Iyer, L.M., Anantharaman, V., Krishnan, A., Maxwell Burroughs, A., Aravind, L.
Academic Background
MSc (Bioinformatics), 2008, University of Madras
Ph.D. (Comparative Genomics), 2015, Uppsala University, Sweden
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, IISER Berhampur (Since December 2020 onwards)
Postdoc, NCBI, NIH (2017-2020). L Aravind’s Group
Postdoc, University of Queensland (2016-2017). Bernard Degnan’s group
Awards and Memberships
Ramalingaswamy Fellowship Award, 2021
DBT SERB-SRG Grant, 2021
Postdoctoral Visiting Fellowship Award NIH, 2017
Member of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE)
Academic member of the Adhesion GPCR Consortium
Manuscripts receiving outstanding recognition such as (i) Featured cover page articles, (ii) Breakthrough articles, (iii) F1000,
Manuscripts addressed by numerous News outlets, including The Guardian, BBC, The Seattle Times, Weekend Australian, New Zealand Herald, among others.
Research Interests
Biological conflict systems and prokaryotic immunity
Lineage-specific expansion and adaptation of gene families
Evolution of chemoreception in animals
Elucidating structural innovations in protein families and superfamilies
Molecular evolution and diversification of signaling pathways
Evolutionary classifications of protein families and superfamilies
Evolution of protein folds
Research Group
Rakesh Siuli, (Ph.D. student)
Biswajit Panda, (Ph.D. student)
Rohan Nath, (iPh.D. student)
Atharv Manojkumar Sambarat,, JRF
Anik Dey,, MS thesis student
Sai Abhishek O,, Ms thesis student
About me
I am a computational biologist with a specialization in comparative and evolutionary genomics. My research focuses on analyzing and comparing genomic datasets to address research questions across both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. In prokaryotes, I am particularly interested in defense systems, examining them within an evolutionary framework. In eukaryotes, my work concentrates on the lineage-specific expansion of gene families and the evolution of signal transduction pathways.
I obtained my Ph.D. in comparative genomics in September 2015 from Uppsala University, Sweden, under the guidance of Professor Helgi Schiöth. Following the completion of my doctoral studies, I undertook two relocations in order to acquire research experience from distinguished evolutionary biology research laboratories. First from Uppsala to Brisbane, where I joined the group of Dr. Bernard Degnan, an ARC Laureate fellow, at the University of Queensland (UQ). Later from Brisbane to Bethesda, Maryland to join Dr. L Aravind’s group at NCBI, NIH, after acquiring the prestigious NIH postdoctoral fellowship. Currently, I have started my own research group at IISER Berhampur. Some of my research accomplishments include From IISER-BPR Pre-IISER
Research Projects
Key Publications
- Rakesh S, Aravind L, Krishnan A*. Reappraisal of the DNA phosphorothioate modification machinery: uncovering neglected functional modalities and identification of new counter-invader defense systems. Nucleic Acids Research. Volume 52, Issue 3, 9 February 2024, Pages 1005–1026. Weblink. (NAR Breakthrough and Cover Page Article). (Featured in Times of India)
- Westbury MV, Le Duc D, Duchêne DA, Krishnan A, Prost S, Rutschmann S, Grau JH, Dalen L, Weyrich A, Norén K, Werdelin L, Dalerum F, Schöneberg T, Hofreiter M*. (2021). Ecological Specialisation and Evolutionary Reticulation in Extant Hyaenidae. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Volume 38, Issue 9, Pages 3884–3897. WebLink.
- Krishnan A, Burroughs AM, Iyer LM, Aravind L*. (2020). Comprehensive classification of ABC ATPases and their functional radiation in nucleoprotein dynamics and biological conflict systems. Nucleic Acids Research. Volume 48, Issue 18, Pages 10045–10075. Weblink: (Featured Survey and Summary Article)
- Krishnan A, Burroughs AM, Iyer LM, Aravind L*. (2018). Unexpected evolution of lesion-recognition modules in eukaryotic NER and kinetoplast DNA-dynamics proteins from bacterial mobile elements. iScience. Volume 9, Issue, P192-208. Weblink.
- Krishnan A, Iyer LM, Holland SJ, Boehm T, Aravind L*. (2018). Diversification of AID-APOBEC-like deaminases in metazoa: identification of novel clades and widespread roles in immunity. PNAS. Vol. 115, no. 14; E3201–E3210. Weblink.
- Pusapati GV, Kong JH, Patel BB, Krishnan A, Sagner A, Kinnebrew M, Briscoe J, Aravind L, Rohatgi R*. (2018). CRISPR Screens Uncover Genes that Regulate Target Cell Sensitivity to the Morphogen Sonic Hedgehog. Developmental Cell. Jan 8;44(1):113-129.e8. Weblink: (Featured Cover page article)
- Duc DL, Renaud G, Krishnan A, Almén MS, Huynen L, Prohaska SJ, Ongyerth M, Bitarello BD, Schiöth HB, Hofreiter M, Stadler PF, Prüfer K,Lambert D, Kelso J, Schöneberg T*. (2015). Kiwi genome provides insights into nocturnal adaptation. Genome Biology. 16:147. Weblink. (Covered by 17 news outlets, including The Seattle Times and New Zealand Herald)
- Hall MR, Kocot KM, Baughman KW, Fernandez-Valverde SL, Gauthier MEA, Hatleberg WL, Krishnan A, McDougall C, Motti CA, Shoguchi E, Wang T, Xiang X, Zhao M, Bose U, Shinzato U, Hisata K, Fujie M, Kanda M, Cummins SF, Satoh N, Degnan SM and Degnan BM*. (2017). The crown-of-thorns starfish genome as a guide for biocontrol of this coral reef pest. Nature. 544 (7649): 231-234. Weblink. (Covered by 27 news outlets, including The Guardian, BBC, Science Daily, and The Weekend Australian, among many more).
- Krishnan A*, Schioth HB. (2015). The role of G protein-coupled receptors in the early evolution of neurotransmission and the nervous system. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218(Pt 4):562-571. Weblink (Special issue on the Evolution of the Nervous system)
Contact Details
Full Name
Arunkumar Krishnan
+91 680 2227 769
IISER Berhampur
Personal Website