Dr. Gohil Singh Thakur

Assistant Professor

Chemical Sciences


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Professional Experience 

  • Postdoc- 2016-2023 (MPI-CPfS and TU Dresden) Assistant Professor at IISER Berhampur- since Jan 2024

Awards and Memberships

  • Life Member of Society for Materials Chemistry, BARC, India

Research Interests

  • Crystal growth, superconductivity and magnetism, frustrated magnetism and Quantum Spin Liquids, structure determination using single crystal and powder X-ray methods.

Research Group

  • Dr. Subham Naik- Postdoctoral researcher Ms. Hiranmayee Senapati- PhD candidate Mr. Biswajit Singh- Master student

About me

I am an Assistant Professor at the department of Chemical Sciences, IISER Berhampur. My broad research interest lies in chemistry and physics of inorganic materials (mostly oxides, chalcogenides and intermetallic compounds). I primarily work in the area of solid state chemistry with special focus on synthesis of new inorganic solids by exploration as well as by design. My group deals with synthesis of both single crystals and powder, utilizing various synthetic methodologies (sealed tube, hydrothermal, chemical vapor transport and flux crystal growth), their structural characterization (using single crystal and powder X-ray) and elucidating the electrical and magnetic properties. Another important focus of our research is Quantum Materials, particularly the Quantum Spin Liquid (QSL) phases and frustrated magnets. We aims to exploit the interplay of various degrees of freedom (spin, orbital, lattice and charge) in complex 4d and 5d transition metal oxides in a hope to unravel novel electrical and magnetic ground states.


Dr. Thakur was born in Madhya Pradesh, India in 1987. He graduated in Biotechnology from Jiwaji University, Gwalior in 2007 and later in 2009 obtained his master's degree in chemistry from Devi Ahilya university, Indore. He earned his PhD degree in 2016 from the Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi under the supervision of Prof. Ashok K. Ganguli. His doctoral research was was focused on the magnetic and superconducting properties of new layered metal chalcogenide and pnictide compound. In Sept. 2016, he joined the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden (with Prof. Martin Jansen and Prof. Claudia Felser) as a visiting scientist working in the field of crystal growth of novel complex 5d transition metal oxides. In Jan. 2021, he moved to Technical University Dresden (with Prof. Michael Ruck) for another postdoc on an independent research grant where he worked on the design and realization of new Quantum Materials based on 4d and 5d transition metal oxides until Dec 2023. In Jan 2024, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the department of chemical sciences, IISER Berhampur. His research broad research area is preparatory solid state chemistry.

Research Projects

1. Search for new silver ruthenates and iridates using hydrothermal synthesis and ion exchange methods

2. Design and realization of triangular lattice based frustrated magnets/quantum spin liquid phases

3. New 4d/5d transitional metal based hexagonal perovskites

4. Magnetic and superconducting properties of Bi-chalcogenides superconductors

Key Publications

1.    Gohil S. Thakur, T. C. Hansen, W. Schnelle, S Guo, O. Janson, J. Van der Brink, C. Felser and M. Jansen, New Buckled Honeycomb Lattice Compound Sr3CaOs2O9 Exhibiting Antiferromagnetism above Room Temperature, Chem. Mater. 34 (2022) 4741–4750.

2.   Gohil S. Thakur, H. Reuter, A. V. Ushakov, G. Gallo, J. Nuss, R. E. Dinnebier, S. V. Streltsov, D.I. Khomskii, and M. Jansen, Na9Bi5Os3O24: A Unique Diamagnetic Oxide Featuring a Pronouncedly Jahn-Teller Compressed Octahedral Coordination of Osmium (VI), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, (2021) 16500-16505.

3. A. Aishwarya, A. Raghavan, S. Howard, Z. Cai, Gohil S. Thakur, C. Won, S.-W. Cheong, C. Felser, and V. Madhavan, Long-lifetime spin excitations near domain walls in 1T-TaS2, PNAS, 119 (2022) 22, e2121740119

4.    Gohil S. Thakur, Thomas Doert, Shrikant Mohitkar, Walter Schnelle and M. Jansen, Crystal growth of a new 8-layered perovskite Sr8Os6.3O24; exhibiting high TC ferromagnetism. Cryst. Growth Des. 21 (2021) 2459–2464.

5.    Gohil S. Thakur, Robert Dinnebier, Thomas Hansen, Wilfried Assenmacher, Claudia Felser and Martin Jansen, Idiosyncratic Ag7Pt2O7, an electron imprecise yet diamagnetic, small band gap oxide., Angew. Chem. Int. ed. 59 (2020) 19910-19913

6.    Gohil S. Thakur*, Sumanta Chattopadhya, Thomas Doert, J. Wosnitza, T. Herrmannsdörfer and Claudia Felser, Crystal growth of spin frustrated Ba4Nb0.8Ir3.2O12: A possible spin liquid material, Cryst. Growth Des. 20 (2020) 2871.

7.    Gohil S. Thakur, Praveen Vir, Satya N. Guin, Chandra Shekhar, Richard Weihrich, Yan Sun, Nitesh Kumar, and Claudia Felser, Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect in Ni-Substituted Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Co3Sn2S2, Chem. Mater. 32 (2020) 1612.

8.    Gohil S. Thakur, Hans Reuter, Helge Rosner, Gerhard H. Fecher, Claudia Felser and Martin Jansen, New Ag8PtO6: synthesis, crystal structure, physical properties and theoretical analyses, Dalton Trans., 48 (2019) 5058.

9.    Gohil S. Thakur, G. Fuchs, K. Nenkov, Zeba Haque, L. C. Gupta, A. K. Ganguli, Coexistence of superconductivity and itinerant ferromagnetism in Sr0.5Ce0.5FBiS2-xSex (x = 0.5 and 1.0), the first non-U material with Tc < TFM, Scientific Reports 6, (2016) 37527.

10.    Gohil S. Thakur, G K Selvan, Zeba Haque, L C Gupta, S Arumugan and A K Ganguli, Synthesis and Properties of SmO0.5F0.5BiS2 and Enhancement in Tc in La1−ySmyO0.5F0.5BiS2, Inorg. Chem., 54 (2015), 1076.

11.     Leena Aggarwal, Abhishek Gaurav, Gohil S. Thakur, Zeba Haque, Ashok K. Ganguli and Goutam Sheet, Unconventional Superconductivity at Mesoscopic Point-contacts on the 3-Dimensional Dirac Semi-metal Cd3As2, Nature Mat. 15 (2016) 32.

12. A. K Ganguli, J. Prakash, and Gohil S. Thakur, The iron-age of superconductivity: Structural correlations and commonalities among the various families having -Fe-X- slabs (X= P, As and Se), Chem. Soc. Rev. 42 (2013) 569. DOI: 10.1039/c2cs35090d

Contact Details

Full Name

Gohil Singh Thakur

