Dr. Bikashkali Midya

Assistant Professor

Physical Sciences


Publications All


PhD: ISI Kolkata (University of Calcutta, 2013); Postdoc: University of Brussels (2013-15); Postdoc: Institute of Science and Technology Austria (2015-17); Postdoc: University of Pennsylvania, USA (2017-19); Assistant Professor, IISER Berhampur (2020-) 

Research Projects

Quantum condensed matter and related areas of theoretical physics.

Key Publications

B. Midya, Topological phase transition in fluctuating imaginary gauge fields, Phys. Rev. A (Letter) (2024)  

B Midya , Gain-loss-induced non-Abelian Bloch braids, Appl. Phys. Lett. (2023)

B Midya, L Feng, Topological multiband photonic superlattices, Phys. Rev. A (2018)

H. Zhao, X. Qiao, T. Wu, B. Midya, S. Longhi, L. Feng, Non-Hermitian topological light steering, Science (2019)

B. Midya, H. Zhao, L. Feng, Non-Hermitian photonics promises exceptional topology of light, Nature Commun. (2018)

X. Qiao*, B. Midya*, Z. Gao* et al., Higher-dimensional supersymmetric microlaser arrays, Science (2021)

Z. Gao et al., Two-Dimensional Reconfigurable Non-Hermitian Gauged Laser Array, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2023) (Editors' Suggestion)

Contact Details

Full Name

Bikashkali Midya



IISER Berhampur