Publications All
The promises and challenges of many-body quantum technologies: A focus on quantum engines
Mukherjee, V., Divakaran, U.
Quantum critical engine at finite temperatures
Revathy, B.S., Mukherjee, V., Divakaran, U.
Collective-effects-enhanced multiqubit information engines
Jaseem, N., Mukherjee, V.
Precision bound and optimal control in periodically modulated continuous quantum thermal machines
Das, A., Mahunta, S., Agarwalla, B.K., Mukherjee, V.
Quadratic enhancement in the reliability of collective quantum engines
Jaseem, N., Vinjanampathy, S., Mukherjee, V.
Bath Engineering Enhanced Quantum Critical Engines
B.S, R., Mukherjee, V., Divakaran, U.
Floquet quantum thermal transistor
Gupt, N., Bhattacharyya, S., Das, B., Datta, S., Mukherjee, V., Ghosh, A.
Many-body quantum thermal machines
Mukherjee, V., Divakaran, U.
Multi-spin counter-diabatic driving in many-body quantum Otto refrigerators
Hartmann, A., Mukherjee, V., Mbeng, G.B., Niedenzu, W., Lechner, W.
Anti-Zeno quantum advantage in fast-driven heat machines
Mukherjee, V., Kofman, A.G., Kurizki, G.
Universal finite-time thermodynamics of many-body quantum machines from Kibble-Zurek scaling
B. S, R., Mukherjee, V., Divakaran, U., Del Campo, A.
Quantum-enhanced finite-time Otto cycle
Das, A., Mukherjee, V.
Many-body quantum heat engines with shortcuts to adiabaticity
Hartmann, A., Mukherjee, V., Niedenzu, W., Lechner, W.
Quantum magnetometry using two-stroke thermal machines
Bhattacharjee, S., Bhattacharya, U., Niedenzu, W., Mukherjee, V., Dutta, A.
Enhanced precision bound of low-temperature quantum thermometry via dynamical control
Mukherjee, V., Zwick, A., Ghosh, A., Chen, X., Kurizki, G.
Quantum phase transitions and open quantum systems: a tribute to Prof. Amit Dutta
Divakaran, U., Iglói, F., Mukherjee, V., Sengupta, K.
Academic Background
2005 - 2011: M.Sc. & PhD, IIT Kanpur, India
2002 - 2005: B.Sc., Presidency College, University of Calcutta, India
Professional Experience
November 2018 - Present: Assistant Professor, IISER Berhampur, India
April 2015 - October 2018: Postdoctoral Researcher, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
November 2012 - March 2015: Postdoctoral Researcher, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy & Ulm University, Germany
December 2011 - October 2012: Postdoctoral Researcher, IPHT, CEA Saclay, France
Research Interests
Dynamics of quantum phase transitions
Thermodynamics of quantum systems
Control of quantum systems
Time crystals
Research Group
Postdoc: Rahul Ghosh
PhD students: Bandita Das, Shishira Mahunta
Masters project students: Subharthi Paul, Mrutyunjaya Sahoo
About me
I am a theoretical physicist, working on the fields of quantum phase transitions, open quantum systems, quantum control, quantum thermodynamics and time crystals.
- Assistant Professor: IISER Berhampur, India (November 2018 - Present).
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (April 2015 - October 2018)
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy & Ulm University, Germany (November 2012 - March 2015)
- Postdoctoral Researcher: IPHT, CEA Saclay, France (December 2011 - October 2012)
- PhD - 2011, IIT Kanpur, India
Research Projects
1. Control in quantum technologies (SERB, ongoing)
2. Thermodynamics and quantum advantage of many-body quantum thermal machines (SERB, completed)
Key Publications
1. Bandita Das, Noufal Jaseem, Victor Mukherjee, Discrete time crystals in the presence of non-Markovian dynamics, Phys. Rev. A 110, 012208 (2024).
2. Victor Mukherjee and Uma Divakaran, The promises and challenges of many-body quantum technologies: A focus on quantum engines, Nat Commun 15, 3170 (2024).
3. Revathy B. S., Victor Mukherjee, Uma Divakaran and Adolfo del Campo, Universal finite-time thermodynamics of many-body quantum machines from Kibble-Zurek scaling, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043247 (2020).
4. Victor Mukherjee, Analia Zwick, Arnab Ghosh, Xi Chen and Gershon Kurizki, Enhanced precision bound of low-temperature quantum thermometry via dynamical control, Commun Phys 2, 162 (2019).
5. Wolfgang Niedenzu, Victor Mukherjee, Arnab Ghosh, Abraham G. Kofman and Gershon Kurizki, Quantum engine efficiency bound beyond the second law of thermodynamics, Nat. Commun. 9, 165 (2018).
6. Victor Mukherjee, Alberto Carlini, Andrea Mari, Tommaso Caneva, Simone Montangero, Tommaso Calarco, Rosario Fazio, and Vittorio Giovannetti, Speeding up and slowing down the relaxation of a qubit by optimal control, Phys. Rev. A 88, 062326 (2013).
7. Victor Mukherjee, Uma Divakaran, Amit Dutta and Diptiman Sen, Quenching dynamics of a quantum XY spin- 1 / 2 chain in a transverse field, Phys. Rev. B 76, 174303 (2007).
Contact Details
Full Name
Victor Mukherjee
IISER Berhampur
Personal Website