Dr. Prosenjit Daw

Assistant Professor

Chemical Sciences

Personal Website


Academic Background

  • Ph.D (2009-2015) Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Jitendra K. Bera

  • M.Sc. (2007-09) Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Jitendra K. Bera

  • B.Sc. (2003-2006) University of Calcutta, West Bengal, India.

Awards and Memberships

  • Senior Postdoctoral fellowship of Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, (2018-19)

  • Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC) fellowship of the Council for Higher Education, Israel. (2015-2018)

  • Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship (SPMF), 2009, in chemical science by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India.

  • Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) in Chemistry (2009).

  • Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE): 2009. All India Rank: 28

  • Recipient of Merit-cum-Means (MCM) scholarship (2007-2009) from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

  • Joint Admission Test to M.Sc. (JAM) 2007. All India Rank: 2

Research Interests

  • Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis

  • Renewable Green Hydrogen Generation

Research Group

  • Aisa Mohanty

  • Raju Sharma

  • Satabdee Tanaya Sahoo

  • Bijan Mondal

  • Arkopal Das

  • Sahil Mondal

  • Ankita Mondal

  • Subhransu Dash


Dr. Prosenjit Daw obtained his B.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Calcutta (INDIA). He completed his M.Sc. and Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur, India), where he worked on N-heterocyclic carbene-based organometallics catalyst and their application in organic transformation in the group of Prof. Jitendra K. Bera with Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship (SPMF). 

In 2015, he moved to Israel as a post-doctoral fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science with a Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC) fellowship and worked with Prof. David Milstein in the development of new synthetic methodologies based on hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of organic molecules and small molecule activation using pincer based catalysts. In 2019 he joined the Department of Chemical Sciences, IISER Berhampur, as an Assistant Professor.

Research Projects

  • Design of new ligands containing proton responding arm

  • Synthesis of the organometallic complex with a transition metal, late d-block metals and alkaline-earth metals

  • Homogeneous catalysis in organic transformation under sustainable, Atom Economic and Green, environment-friendly conditions

  •  Cooperative catalyst between the Transition metal and Frustrated Lewis Pair

  • Activate small molecule (CO2, H2, N2, O2) and synthesis value-added organic products

  • Renewable energy, Biofuel, and Hydrogen Economy

Key Publications

  1. “Transfer Hydrogenative Cleavage of N=N Bond of Azoarenes to Aminoarenes Using Ruthenium Catalyst” A. Mohanty, A. Sinha, G. Kenguva, R. Dandela, Prosenjit Daw*, ChemCatChem., 2024, e202401459

    “A catalytic approach for the dehydrogenative upgradation of crude glycerol to lactate and hydrogen generation” S. T. Sahoo, A. Sinkua, Prosenjit Daw*, RSC Adv., 2024,14, 37082-37086

    “Ammonia Synthesis by the Reductive N-N Bond Cleavage of Hydrazine Using an Air-Stable, Phosphine-Free Ruthenium Catalyst” A. Mohanty, S. R. Rout, R. Dandela, Prosenjit Daw*, Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 416-419

    “A Switchable Route for Selective Transformation of Ethylene Glycol to Hydrogen and Glycolic Acid by Bifunctional Ruthenium Catalyst” S. T. Sahoo, A. Mohanty, R. Sharma, Prosenjit Daw*; Dalton Transactions 2023, 52, 15343

    “A Bifunctional Ruthenium Catalyst for Effective Renewable Hydrogen Production from Biomass-Derived Sorbitol”S. T. Sahoo, A. Mohanty, R. Sharma, S. R. Rout, R. Dandela,  Prosenjit Daw*; Organometallics 2023, 42, 745–751.

    “Application of pincer metal complexes in catalytic transformations” A. Mohanty, R. Sharma, Prosenjit Daw*; Pincer-Metal Complexes. 2022, 1-68 (Book Chapter).

    “Homogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Energy: Hydrogen and Methanol Economies, Fuels from Biomass, and Related Topics” A. Kumar*, Prosenjit Daw*, David Milstein*; Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 385-441.

Contact Details

Full Name

Prosenjit Daw



IISER Berhampur

Personal Website