Prof Prosenjit Mondal


Biological Sciences


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Additional Responsibility

  • Dean, Faculty Affairs

Academic Background

  • PhD (Life Sciences), Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar

  • MSc (Biotechnology) Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan

Professional Experience 

  • Associate Professor, IIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India, 2019

  • Assistant Professor, IIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India, 2014 - 2019

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate at Scripps Research Institute-Scripps Florida(2013-2014)

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine(2010-2013)

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate at Weill Cornell Medical College (2008-2010)

Research Interests

  • Molecular Mechanisms underlying Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).

  • Cell Signaling in insulin secretion.

  • Molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes.

About me

I obtained my PhD from the Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar. I was a postdoctoral associate at Johns Hopkins University and Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Before joining IISER Berhampur, I was an Associate Professor at IIT Mandi. CurrentlyI am working as a Professor at the IISER Berhampur. My research efforts in the last ten years have focused on understanding the pathogenesis of diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, emphasizing understanding mechanisms of Inter-organ communication in maintaining systematic homeostasis in the body. These studies span a large spectrum of questions and use a wide range of methodologies for the analyses. We use in vitro cell culture and in vivo animal models to understand the inter-organ crosstalk between the liver and peripheral organs contributing to the pathogenesis of diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In addition, my lab is also interested in an interdisciplinary research project at the interface of chemistry and biology towards the development of non-peptidic Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor agonists for anti-diabetic therapeutics.


Dr. Prosenjit Mondal obtained his PhD degree from the Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar. He has been a postdoctoral associate at Johns Hopkins University and Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Before joining IISER Berhampur, he was an Associate Professor at IIT Mandi.

Research Patents

  • Hussain, M, P.Mondal, Song, W. “Hepatic Kisspeptin secretion impairs insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cell Kisspeptin receptor GPR54 antagonist for treatment of prediabetes and diabetes mellitus in humans”. United States patent no. 10,220,069 , Patent File date 22/7/2016, Patent Issue date: 5/3/2019.

  • G Dey, P.Mondal, S. Ghosh. Compounds for visualization and quantification of Albumin, method of preparation and use thereof Indian Patent No. : 342426 , Patent Filing date: 01/02/2017, Patent Issue date: 27/6/2020.

  • K Girdhar, P Gaur, and P Mondal -Patent title “A Non-peptidic Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists for Anti-obesity and Anti-diabetes Therapeutics” Indian Patent No 505134 , date of filling 29/11/2018 and international application No. PCT/IN2019/050874.

Research Projects

Our lab is dedicated to unraveling the complex pathogenesis of diabetes and NAFLD, emphasizing the crucial mechanisms of inter-organ communication that maintain systematic homeostasis in the body. Our research also delves into the molecular events that regulate nutrient uptake and storage, particularly focusing on the specificity of insulin's actions and the intricate links between obesity and diabetes. This work is of significant importance in the field of metabolic diseases. 

Our studies cover a wide spectrum of questions and use diverse methodologies for analysis. We employ in vitro cell culture and in vivo mice models to understand the inter-organ crosstalk between the liver, pancreatic beta cell, and peripheral organs that contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetes, fatty liver, and obesity. By studying the mechanisms of interorgan crosstalk in health and disease, we aim to understand how preclinical evidence for organokines may translate to human studies.

Key Publications

·      S Thakur, P Rawat, B DehuryP Mondal* (2025) TRIM32 regulates insulin sensitivity by controlling insulin receptor degradation in the liver  EMBO reports, 1-19 *Corresponding Author.

P Rawat, S Thakur, S Dogra, K Jaswal, B Dehury, P Mondal*(2023) Diet-induced induction of hepatic Serine/Threonine Kinase STK38 triggers proinflammation and hepatic lipid accumulation Journal of Biological Chemistry, 104678 

S Dogra, D Das, SK Maity, A Paul, P Rawat, PV Daniel, K. Das, S. Mitra, P.Chakraborty*, P.Mondal* (2022) Liver Derived S100A6 Propels β Cell Dysfunction in NAFLD. Diabetes 71 (11), 2284-2296.

K Girdhar, S Thakur, P Gaur, A Choubey, S Dogra, B Dehury, S Kumar, B Biswas, D K Dwivedi, S Ghosh, P Mondal* (2022) Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of a small molecule oral agonist of the glucagon-like-peptide-1 receptor Journal of Biological Chemistry 01889.

PV Daniel, A Choubey, S Dogra, P Rawat, A S Khan, S Rajak, M Kamthan, P Mondal* (2021) NF-kB P65 regulates hepatic lipogenesis by promoting nuclear entry of ChREBP in response to a high carbohydrate diet.Journal of Biological Chemistry: 100714.

Choubey A, Girdhar K, Kar AK, Kushwaha S, Yadav MK, Ghosh D, P Mondal*. (2020) Low dose naltrexone rescues inflammation and insulin resistance associated with hyperinsulinemia Journal of Biological Chemistry 27;295(48):16359-16369

 Vineeth Daniel P, Kamthan M, Gera R, Dogra S, Gautam K, Ghosh D, P Mondal* (2019) Chronic exposure to Pb2+ perturbs ChREBP transactivation and coerces hepatic dyslipidemia. FEBS Letters. 593 (21), 3084-3097

 Dogra S, Kar AK, Girdhar K, Daniel PV, Chatterjee S, Choubey A, Ghosh S, Patnaik S, Ghosh D, P.Mondal*. (2019) Zinc oxide nanoparticles attenuate hepatic steatosis development in high-fat-diet fed mice through activated AMPK signaling axis. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 17: 210-222 

 WJ. Song#, P. Mondal#, A Wolfe, L C.Alonso, et al (2014) Glucagon regulates hepatic kisspeptin to impair insulin secretion in diabetes mellitus. Cell Metabolism 19(4):667–681 #Joint First Author

 WJ. Song#, P. Mondal#,YY Li, SE Lee, MA. Hussain (2013) Pancreatic beta-cell response to increased metabolic demand and pharmacologic secretagogues requires EPAC2A Diabetes 62(8):2796-2807   #Joint First Author

Martinez BA, Reis Rodrigues P, Nuñez Medina RM, P Mondal, et. al (2020An alternatively spliced, non- signaling insulin receptor modulates insulin sensitivity via insulin peptide sequestration in C. elegans. Elife Feb 25; 9: e49917.

M L. Multhaup, M Seldin, A E. Jaffe, H Kirchner, X Lei, P Mondal, et al (2015) Mouse-human experimental epigenetic analysis unmasks dietary targets and genetic liability for diabetic phenotypes. Cell Metabolism 21(1) 138-149

P. Mondal#W.J Song#, YY Li, K.S. Yang, M. A. Hussain (2015) Increasing beta-cell mass requires additional stimulation for adaptation to secretory demand. Molecular Endocrinology 29(1)108-120 #Joint First Author

 Song, M. Seshadri, U. Ashraf, T. Mdluli, P. Mondal, et al. (2011) Snapin mediates incretin action and augments glucose-dependent insulin secretion. Cell Metabolism. 13(3):308-319.

S Diani-Moore, P Ram, X Li, P Mondal, DY Youn, AA Sauve, AB Rifkind (2010) Identification of
 the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Target Gene TiPARP as a Mediator of Suppression of Hepatic Gluconeogenesis by 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and of Nicotinamide as a Corrective Agent for This Effect Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(50) 38801-38810


Contact Details

Full Name

Prosenjit Mondal


