Dr. Sandeep Chatterjee

Assistant Professor

Physical Sciences

+91 680 2227 767


Research Interests

  • Phenomenology of relativistic heavy ion collision (RHIC) with a goal to study the medium properties of strong interactions (QCD)

  • Dynamics of conserved charges in the baryon rich fireball produced in RHIC

  • Construction of novel observables based on multi-particle correlators to study various facets of RHIC phenomenology

Research Group

  • Tribhuban Parida (PhD scholar)

  • Kaiser Shafi (PhD scholar)

  • Arkadip Mukherjee (MS project student)

About me

I am mainly working on the phenomenology of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions- a class of high energy physics experiments where nuclei of different elements, particularly heavy ones like gold, lead etc are accelerated to almost the speed of light before colliding. As a result of the collision, a new phase of matter governed by the rules of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is produced, offering the opportunity to explore the phase diagram of QCD thermodynamics and infer properties of the matter in the early universe and in the cores of neutron stars.

Here are the links to my publication details in inSPIRE-HEP, arXiv and Google Scholar.


I completed my schooling from Methodist School (formerly Assembly of God Church), Dankuni, BSc from Vidyamandira College, Belur and Integrated PhD from IISc, Bangalore. I held postdoctoral positions at NISER, Bhubaneshwar, VECC, Kolkata and AGH-UST, Krakow before joining as an Assistant Professor at IISER, Berhampur.

Key Publications

1. Phys. Rev. C, 109 044905 (2024): Tribhuban Parida, SC and Md. Nasim “Effect of hadronic interaction on the flow of K*0"

2. Phys. Rev. C, 109 014903 (2024): Tribhuban Parida, Piotr Bozek and SC “Charm balance function in relativistic heavy ion collisions"

3. Phys. Rev. C, 106 044907 (2022): Tribhuban Parida and SC "Splitting of elliptic flow in a tilted fireball"

4. Phys. Lett. B, 798, 134955 (2019): SC and Piotr Bozek "Interplay of drag by hot matter and electromagnetic force on the directed flow of heavy quarks"

5. Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, 192301 (2018): SC and Piotr Bozek "Large directed flow of open charm mesons probes the three dimensional distribution of matter in heavy ion collisions"

6. Phys. Rev. C (Rapid Communication) 92, 011902 (2015): SC and Prithwish Tribedy "Separation of flow from the chiral magnetic effect in U+U collisions using spectator asymmetry"

7. Phys. Lett. B 727, 554-557 (2013): SC, R. M. Godbole and Sourendu Gupta "Strange Freezeout"

8. Phys. Rev. D 85, 074018 (2012): SC and Kirtimaan A. Mohan "Including the Fermion Vacuum Fluctuations in the (2+1) flavor Polyakov Quark Meson Model"

Contact Details

Full Name

Sandeep Chatterjee



+91 680 2227 767


IISER Berhampur