Dr. G Kasi Viswanadham

Associate Professor

Mathematical Sciences

Personal Website


Academic Background

  • M.Sc: Department of Mathematics, Andhra University (2007-2009)

  • Ph.D. (Mathematics): Harish Chandra Research Institute (2009-2015)

Professional Experience 

  • Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute Of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai(June 2015- July 2017)

  • Postdoctoral Fellow at IIT Bombay (August 2017- June 2018)

  • Assistant Professor at IISER, Berhampur (June 2018 - Present)

Research Interests

  • Analytic Number Theory

About me

I work in Analytic Number Theory.


* PhD- 2009-2015

  Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad

 Advisor- Prof. D.S. Ramana

* Postdoctoral Fellow- 2015-2017

  Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai

* Postdoctoral Fellow- 2017-2018

 IIT Bombay

Key Publications

  1. O. Ramare and GK Viswanadham, Exponential sums with Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Math.Z. accepted for publication.
  2. CG Karthick Babu, A. Mukhopadhyay, and GK Viswanadham, Discrepancy estimates of linear generalized polynomials at prime arguments, Ramanujan Journal, accepted for publication.
  3. O. Ramare and GK Viswanadham, Modular ternary additive problems with irregular or prime numbers, Proc. Steklov. Inst. Math. 314 (2021), 203-237.
  4. G.K. Viswanadham, Products of weighted multiple zeta functions, Bull. Sci. Math.147 (2018), 26-39. 
  5. A. Mukhopadhyay, O. Ramar\'e and G.K. Viswanadham, Discrepancy estimates for generalized polynomials, Monatsh. Math. 187 (2018), no. 2, 343-356.

Contact Details

Full Name

G Kasi Viswanadham



IISER Berhampur

Personal Website